Sunday, September 7, 2008

5 Sure Ways To Make Your Ex Miss You..heheh..

Want to make your ex miss you? Want to have them wanting you back more than ever? Here are five ways that you can do just that.

1) Start dating again. Once you start dating you will start to notice something funny happen in the way your ex treats you. Often they become jealous and start to miss what they once had just because someone else now has it.

2) Get a makeover. This could be for either guys or girls. I am not saying a literal makeover, but just doing things to make you look better. Start exercising, get some new clothes or get a new haircut. What ever it is change something up to make you appear more attractive. Your ex will surely take notice.

3) Make yourself scarce. Often our ex's like knowing that we are waiting around for them. They keep us at bay for the day they finally decide what they want to do. Don't be the fall back. Don't make yourself readily available for your ex and see what happens.

4) Move on with your life. Getting out and doing things is the exact opposite of what our ex's think we will do. When they see that we are moving on and moving forward they have a natural tendency to want us back just because we are doing so much better with the break up. Get out and have fun and you will notice some good things happening.

5) Change for the better. Once your ex sees the new and improved you, they will definitely want you back in their life and start to miss you. Seeing something that they lost that is now much better has a strange effect on people.

Follow these steps to make your ex miss you and you will see what a difference it can make.

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